Our VisionWe strive to be more FAITHFUL in our discipleship, CONFIDENT in our task of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people in our community and ever JOYFUL in our worship and all that we do in His service. As caring welcoming churches, we aim to serve, support and encourage each other to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
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Lead thefts are still a threat! If you see any suspicious activity near our churches - please dial 999 contacting the Police and also alert a church minister or church warden.
Click or tap individual line entry for more details. You may also select Week Month or Agenda view.
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We are part of the Local Mission Partnership‘Boston South’ - parishes include: Boston, Wyberton, Frampton, Kirton, Algarkirk and the Haven Group of Bicker, Donington, Swineshead and Wigtoft.
Please note : SW = Service of the Word. HC = Holy CommunionChurch Services are held in St Leodegar’s Wyberton (livestreamed & catch up) and also St Mary’s Frampton or St Michael’s Frampton West. Group Services - 3rd Sunday St Leodegar’s Wyberton.5th Sunday alternately in either of the Frampton Churches.Services may be subject to change, e.g. Baptisms and Festivals - so please check the Church Calendarand Notices on Worship Pagefor services and events. This site is updated weekly.
General Synod February 2025Watch Live or catchup on
Although still in Winter - the snowdrops and aconites in Frampton, remind us that Spring is not far off! Tap image for larger view.
There are still a few spaces for Craft Fayre Stalls. Contact Louise for details - on 07961 313268 or email:lcbalgarnie@hotmail.com
For Church Calendar additions or amendments:Please contact either John Marshall, Mike Sharp or Revd Sudharshan.
Please report any broken links to the Site Editor- thank you!
Our VisionWe strive to be more faithful in our discipleship, confident in our task of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with people in our community and ever joyful in our worship and all that we do in His service. As caring welcoming churches, we aim to serve, support and encourage each other to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
Click or tap individual line entry for more details. You may also select Week Month or Agenda view.
For Local Church Giving
This site uses Google analytics to indicate our website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors. Google services use cookies which may be deleted in user browser settings.
We are part of the Local Mission Partnership‘Boston South’ - parishes include: Boston, Wyberton, Frampton, Kirton, Algarkirk and the Haven Group of Bicker, Donington, Swineshead and Wigtoft.
Lead thefts are still a threat! If you see any suspicious activity near our churches - please dial 999 contacting the Police and also alert a church minister or church warden.
Please note : SW = Service of the Word. HC = Holy CommunionChurch Services are held in St Leodegar’s Wyberton (livestreamed & catch up) and also St Mary’s Frampton or St Michael’s Frampton West. Group Services - 3rd Sunday St Leodegar’s Wyberton.5th Sunday alternately in either of the Frampton Churches.Services may be subject to change, e.g. Baptisms and Festivals - so please check the Church Calendarand Notices on Worship Pagefor services and events. This site is updated weekly.